Why foreign-born nurses may be better than American-born nurses … What rural hospitals with antimicrobial awareness programs are missing … Why to opt for the two-strain COVID-19 vaccine … Wealth...
Common infections linked to reduced cognitive test scores for older adults
Alicia Lasek
Apr 23, 2023
Common infections, including with the herpes simplex virus, are associated with reduced performance on a test of global function, researchers from Johns Hopkins University report.
Brain fog may last 8 months after bout with COVID-19, patient study finds
Alicia Lasek
Oct 25, 2021
Many recovered patients had problems with executive functioning, which can include trouble with organization, listening and attention, as well as processing speed, category fluency, memory encoding, and...
Elders get a cognitive boost after positive social interactions, mobile study finds
Alicia Lasek
Sep 15, 2021
In a smartphone-enabled study, adults aged 70 years and older had better cognitive performance the same day that they reported having more frequent, pleasant social interactions than usual — and on the...
A nap’s benefits: Afternoon snooze tied to better memory in older adults
Alicia Lasek
Feb 01, 2021
A new study has found significantly better cognitive function results in older adults who take a regular afternoon nap. But “unintentional” nappers didn’t perform as well on word recall,...
Medication may boost thinking speed in advanced multiple sclerosis
Alicia Lasek
Dec 21, 2020
People with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis who take the drug siponimod for two years show an improvement in thinking skills, researchers say.
Address anxiety and moodiness for better brain aging, scientists say
Alicia Lasek
Sep 28, 2020
Certain personality traits are linked to cognitive decline in older age, according to a study from Northwestern University. Developing resilience may help to better preserve brain function, investigators...
Super-agers appear to resist damaging tau and amyloid build-up
Alicia Lasek
Jul 16, 2020
Adults who maintain high cognitive performance into late age appear to defy the brain’s normal aging processes and escape neurodegeneration, say researchers.
The COVID-19 outbreak may be indirectly affecting cognition, behavior and function in people with dementia and mild cognitive impairment, say investigators.
Seniors who play board games stay cognitively sharp, study shows
Alicia Lasek
Nov 26, 2019
People who play games score better on cognitive tests in their 70s. And increasing game play in later life appears to help lock in certain mental skills, say researchers.