Obamacare replacement bill faces tougher test in Senate
James M. Berklan
Apr 05, 2017
While House Republican leaders were trying to tie up loose ends to get their proposal for repealing and replacing Obamacare across the finish line, Senators on both sides of the aisle were predicting a...
CareTrust nabs IL SNFs
Apr 05, 2017
CareTrust REIT Inc. has purchased five Illinois skilled nursing facilities for $29.2 million, the company announced in March.
60 Seconds with … Susan Hildebrandt
Apr 05, 2017
What brought you to LeadingAge at the end of 2016?
Golden LivingCenters sells SNFs at center of PA lawsuit
Apr 05, 2017
A New York-based healthcare provider acquired the licenses of 10 Pennsylvania Golden LivingCenters that were targeted in a lawsuit filed by former state Attorney General Kathleen Kane.
Pig bladder holds healing promise: study
Apr 05, 2017
An extracellular matrix created from the urinary bladders of pigs, combined with offloading, has shown “significant” promise in treating diabetic foot ulcers, according to a recent study.
Trump budget cuts HHS 18%
James M. Berklan
Apr 05, 2017
President Trump’s first proposed budget chops 18% from Department of Health and Human Services funding and adds millions of dollars to combat healthcare fraud for fiscal 2018.
A multigenerational mixer
Apr 05, 2017
Residents at The Terraces at San Joaquin Gardens, a continuing care retirement community in Fresno, CA, gathered in February for a bingo game unlike any other.
Post-surgical healing slowed by mental health challenges
Apr 05, 2017
Patients with anxiety or depression may be at a higher risk of developing wound complications after surgery, according to a recently published study.
New CMS chief stirs provider anticipation
Apr 05, 2017
Long-term care provider groups were complimentary of Seema Verma following her mid-March confirmation as administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Reader Poll: What is the best thing your manager does to help you in your job?
Apr 05, 2017
“He (Board Chairman of the Reformed Church Home Reed Feuster) encourages me. He always makes a point to thank us and offer help. It’s kind of refreshing to get outside support. At the board...