I am having a hard time believing another year has gone by. Lord, it’s scary how fast time flies the older I get. Though to be honest, I sure want to put COVID, a zillion surveys, and negative government...
2022 – time for a do-over
Jacqueline Vance, RNC, CDONA/LTC
Jan 04, 2022
If ever there were a time for a do-over, it’s now. I mean, every time we think we are coming down the hill, we have to climb the fiery heights of Mount Doom* once again. (*fictional volcano in J. R....
Wishes for a Happy New Year — in their words and mine
Jacqueline Vance, RNC, CDONA/LTC
Jan 07, 2014
Surfing the Internet around New Year’s Day, I saw many quotes, both famous and anonymous, spreading wishes and advice for the year ahead. I thought of how, with some minor adjustments, they could...