In a world of constant chatter, revolving news streams, and search for the latest and greatest viral trend, there is a skill to shutting it all out and going back to the basics. In the realm of rehab...
African Americans more likely to be discharged to a skilled care facility after knee replacement
Alicia Lasek
Oct 31, 2019
African American patients are up to five times more likely than white patients to be discharged to an SNF after knee replacement, rather than to their home.
Skilled care companies seek site-neutral Medicare rates
John O'Connor
Aug 01, 2014
Proposed Medicare payment changes have put the nation’s skilled care companies at odds with inpatient rehabilitation providers, and the two sides were making strident arguments in front of lawmakers...
Alleged exploitive photos of Senator’s wife raise questions about nursing home privacy
Tim Mullaney
May 20, 2014
Visitation protocols at a Mississippi continuing care retirement community are under scrutiny after a blogger was jailed for allegedly taking an unauthorized photograph of the wife of U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran...
Dramatic drop in hospital inpatient readmissions cannot be explained by a shift to observation stays,...
Tim Mullaney
Apr 25, 2014
Hospitals achieved a notable reduction in their inpatient readmissions rate in 2012 and were not using observation stays to game the system, according to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services researchers....
Hospitals slap the government with lawsuits over ‘two-midnight’ policy to reduce observation...
Tim Mullaney
Apr 16, 2014
The American Hospital Association and other hospital groups have sued the federal government over the so-called “two-midnight rule,” which was designed in part to ease access to skilled nursing...
ONLINE EXPO DAY 2: Learn how to prepare for a facility re-survey, where to find capital
Tim Mullaney
Mar 27, 2014
Long-term care professionals are in for a second day of great insights at the McKnight’s Online Expo. Attention will turn to finding capital and preparing for surveys, after the event kicked off...
Bill eases 3-day rule for many operators
John O'Connor
Jan 01, 2014
Above-average skilled nursing facilities may become exempted from Medicare’s prior hospitalization requirement, per legislation from Rep. Jim Renacci (R-OH).
Design Decisions: Cottage industry pioneer
Dave Surico
Dec 01, 2013
‘Universal’ work teams, small-home designs bring Missouri its first taste of an increasingly popular new model of long-term care
ALOS complex query
Steven Littlehale
Dec 01, 2013
What do you get when you ask two academics, one geriatrician, one reimbursement specialist, and an analyst to define average length of stay? Five different answers.