Emergency planning is crucial to safeguarding the well-being of individuals in long-term care settings during unforeseen events. By being proactive and implementing comprehensive plans, facilities can...
Vulnerabilities with fire protection and life safety systems
Stan Szpytek
Jun 12, 2023
Life safety in skilled nursing facilities that provide care and compassion to some of our nation’s most vulnerable residents is in part based on the presence of sophisticated fire protection and life...
Falls rise 27 percent across self-reporting U.S. healthcare facilities, review finds
Alicia Lasek
Apr 12, 2023
Serious safety events self-reported to The Joint Commission rose by 19% in 2022. The uptick is mostly attributable to falls, which increased by 27% overall, investigators say.
Improving senior patient safety through nurse advocacy
Heidi Raines
Feb 06, 2023
One of the most important aspects of a nurse’s job is to advocate for the safety and well-being of patients. This is especially true when it comes to caring for senior patients. As older adults,...
Also in the News for Wednesday, Sept. 21
Joe Bush
Sep 21, 2022
Shooting threat at NY nursing home….CA state grant to fund an earn-and-learn apprenticeship model…NJ legislature advances bill to protect LTC residents from neglect, isolation
Inaccurate pressure injury reporting compromises CMS safety ratings: study
Aug 12, 2022
Nursing home pressure injuries are widely underreported, casting doubt on a key measure of resident safety used in federal facility ratings, University of Chicago researchers say.
Life safety alert: Common hazardous condition emerging in SNFs
Stan Szpytek
Jan 24, 2022
Closed doors are a critical element of life safety in skilled nursing facilities. Learn why they also matter for compliance.
Working in long-term care can be hazardous to your health
John O'Connor
Jan 17, 2022
It’s well known that a career in the long-term care field may not be the healthiest way to scratch out a living. Especially when it involves interacting with, you know, the customers.
No unexpected pattern of adverse booster shot reactions reported by CDC app users
Alicia Lasek
Sep 30, 2021
Most v-safe app respondents reported mild to moderate, transient reactions, usually the day after vaccination, CDC investigators say. Sixty percent of respondents were between the ages of 50 and 74.
OSHA’s COVID-19-related standards ‘burdensome,’ ‘duplicative,’ senior living execs say
Kimberly Bonvissuto
Aug 23, 2021
New federal workplace safety rules, although well-intentioned, are burdensome and do not account for frequently changing guidance from other agencies, according to senior living association executives.