The urgent need for better grief support for SNF management
Frances M. Hawes, Ph.D.
Jul 31, 2023
Grief and loss are a natural part of life, and they are particularly prevalent in nursing homes where residents often have advanced age and multiple health conditions. Data from my recent research...
Rare nursing home sessions on grief, isolation seek solutions for patients, staff
Jessica R. Towhey
Feb 06, 2023
A rare series of structured conversations on bereavement and grief in nursing homes is revealing key insights into the emotional, physical and psychological trauma of repeated loss experienced by residents...
In a death-phobic nation, long-term care embraces the ultimate privilege
Gary Tetz
Apr 21, 2022
Some in long-term care wake up thinking of pay cuts, business survival or reform. Me? I awoke this morning thinking about cremation.
Do not forget to grieve
Bill McGinley
Mar 26, 2021
Covid vaccines have provided the light at the end of the tunnel that we have been waiting for. Everyone cannot wait to “return to normal.” Not that “normal” was a day at the beach for those of...
Adult coloring book tackles grief
Jun 07, 2016
A new adult coloring book titled “Colors of Loss & Healing” has been released.
Managing time for staff to reflect after a resident’s death
Elizabeth Newman
Oct 23, 2014
Singing “Amazing Grace” or playing a ukelele version of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” may not immediately spring to mind as ways to help staff members grieve after a resident has...
Absenteeism and turnover in LTC? Death anxiety could be the cause
Eleanor Feldman Barbera, Ph.D.
May 03, 2013
I started working in long-term care when I was in my early 30s and I was shocked at first when the residents died. I was used to falling in love with my patients. In order to make it in LTC, I’ve...
Tips for managing bereavement
Penelope Bourdillon
Mar 20, 2013
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Work on letting go. Bereavement is natural, but we can find concrete ways to help ourselves and those around us.
Dealing with grief
Kelly Scott
Jan 29, 2013
Throughout my years of visiting senior living communities and working with families, some of the most heartbreaking moments come from watching a family member struggle with watching a loved one slowly...