Good Samaritan Society

After winning a Bronze quality award in 2012 from the McKnight’s Technology Awards, the Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society in South Dakota has designed a new technology platform and found a green way to boost quality.

The Kin Ministry technology allows “churches of all faiths to expand and empower their outreach volunteer programs,”says Innovation Designer Brad Edwards.

The program “helps our church partners to be more effective in overcoming the growing social isolation and loneliness epidemic,” he says.

Good Sam also wanted to improve nutrition quality for residents and employees. Its aeroponic learning gardens allow the community to provide fresh greens year-round at sustainable costs.

“The fresh greens offered through our aeroponic learn- ing gardens are a direct benefit to our residents and employees,” Edwards says. “The Good Samaritan Society National Campus Cafe has been incorporating aeroponic grown greens into the food they serve.”

He adds that volunteering and educational opportunities by aeroponic gardeners enable new opportunities for social connections.

That’s “potentially improving spiritual, mental and physical well-being,” Edwards notes.