1. Successfully improving bladder function begins with the recognition that hope for improving is often realistic. “Bladder function can be improved, especially with those who are recently incontinent...
Providers consider bariatric briefs for growing population
Elizabeth Newman
Oct 18, 2019
As the bariatric population in long-term care continues to grow, companies are making sure providers know about new incontinence options. Cutting Edge Healthcare, a Los Angeles-based shared services management...
Referral platforms update tech solutions
Elizabeth Newman
Oct 18, 2019
Providers are trying to manage referrals better via technology. Cantex Continuing Care Network and Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries announced last month that, along with Netsmart, they were launching...
October Company Briefs
Oct 18, 2019
»CareWorx Fully Managed announced a partnership with Cliniconex, which offers a family engagement solution designed to return time to care through workflow automation. The goal is to make the Ottawa-based...
SNFs suing to block federal limits on arbitration language
Amy Novotney
Oct 18, 2019
Two Arkansas skilled nursing facilities asked a federal court in September to declare a rule that prohibits long-term care facilities from requiring residents to sign a binding arbitration agreement as...
Survey citations OK’d in death lawsuits
Amy Novotney
Oct 18, 2019
The Louisiana Court of Appeals ruled in August that investigation records and survey citations are admissible in medical malpractice and wrongful death investigations. A Louisiana peer review law...
Ask the legal expert: How can we make sure certain staff aren’t getting overzealous in a quest...
John Durso
Oct 18, 2019
We have been accused of admitting residents who do not really need skilled care. As a non-clinician in charge of making sure we are not defrauding the government, how can I/we make sure certain staff are...
‘Public Charge’ rule fought
Oct 18, 2019
WASHINGTON, DC — Nearly 20 states, along with the District of Columbia, filed lawsuits challenging the federal government’s Public Charge rule. Officials recently published an amended Inadmissibility...
Many SNFs understaffed
Oct 18, 2019
NEW YORK — A recent investigation found that nearly 75% of New York’s skilled nursing facilities have been rated as “below average” or “much below average” for their staffing by the Center...
Arbitration deal reached
Oct 18, 2019
ARKANSAS — Two Arkansas nursing homes and the federal government reached a deal to delay a rule that prohibits long-term care facilities from requiring residents to sign a binding arbitration agreement...